Life isn't always going in the way you wanna it to go.
Monday, December 14, 2009

let me see the pro me still can rmb wat happened last week;D

5-7 dec sat to mon;D
went back to malaysia;D
woke up like 7 leh. tired tired.
mrt-ed to jurong east to take bus to JB;D
hahahahha 40 min leh. totally sian.
met aunt and cousin at mrt there.

took CW3 to JB;DD
first time leh. cos we too pro liaos;D

then shoo to the wedding part.
okay in the morning not much ppl went.
cos everyone wanna sleep.
then all my cousins nvr go T.T left me alone.
also not fun one. groom late for half hr.
forget to close the door so cant ask the groom do weird stuff? ;x
plus last door then ask the groom to sing and dance then he also dun want o.o
totally boring T.T but then got hongbao;D hahahah my bro dun hv;D

afternoon went back to nap.
but me slept four hrs. siao o.o
dinner at night;D but then all my cousins de family all late leh;D
hahahhah cos traffic jam plus abit lost;D
then took photos and everything;D i rawk~

nxt day just sleep eat shop o.o
went back to sg at 6.30
but then me reached home at 10 plus.
abit of problem here and there. but at least prove that i hv the ability;D

8dec tues;D
slack at home hahahahah

9 dec wed;D
cca again._. totally boring ;o
sectional? but then prac for half hr plus?
other time slack de.
since all the juniors know how to play plus not going for the exchange.
hahahah then can go home liao ._.
waste of time leh ;x

me went to buy books;D
then after sc went to buy too, me gh xy sc went to tampines.
ate mac. went to walk awhile.
xy went to buy shoes. me went to buy rubber bands and earrings.
then gh xy did cip at cs.
me sc took 18 back home. hahahahah
at least cip at cs is better than library de;D

10dec thurs
stayed at home again._.
but then me pro. started on hwk alr;DD

11dec fri
cca in the afternoon.
jiaolian came. started prac for the exchange.
but then only those who are going for the exchange nid to prac.
totally boring leh. cos me not going alr since the twins going.
so me gh jh dexter went to play cards._.
played until cca end leh. wth waste of my time again._.
then didnt stay back, miracle sia.
me xy gh jh went home tgt. like very long time nvr go home tgt liao.

12dec sat
cip at library with xy;DD
hahahah saw hoekang and zihan at library;D
very long time ever since we saw each other hahaha they changed?
xy played hoekang iphone.
then i think the person saw then asked us dun play;x
then also asked us to do well wishes instead o.o
hahah i think the person bu shuang us just stoning there ;x
but then at least well wishes better than donation thingy;D
ppl dao us. but then kids there are so cute sia;D
went back at 5.0o hahahaha

13dec sun
harmoc exchange o.o
very sian hahahhaha.
went to sch at 12 cos nid to teach the twins.
but then late for 5 min. feel so bad to them ;x

then ppl reached;D
bus-ed to tiong bahru cc;DD the place so ulu o.o
sat there. stone stone stone until our turn.
but then me gh jh jy us all also not performing.
stone there lo.
then the emcee damn funny sia. said that it was sec1 sec2 first performanceo.o
performance was like too soft? behind de us cant hear.
somemore saw like alot ppl not paying attention sia. maybe cos too boring? o.o
nobody conduct? dumb jiaolian.
maybe cos he too embarrassed to recognise us o.o

then shoo went to break.
wanted to find some snacks cos very hungry.
us plus the sec2s went to buy drinks.
then damn funny la.
us playing xy coins like some small kids leh._.
not bad leh. xy 95cents entertained us rather long.
cos nobody wanna go back and stone there o.o
saw chen zehou. obviously he scolded us for being so childrish?
but then he said the bus was here even though not supposed to be;D
since nobody wanna stay, we left;D

fails to snatch the last seatT.T
as usual make alot of noise;D
hahahahah lucky this time not the lousy teacher followed us.
cos chenzehou dun even care;D even though we were told to shut up;DD
reached sch. stayed awhile then went back.

me went library do cip T.T
but then totally boring and tired.
i slack alot ;DD
did one ball only;D but then most of the wishes is i write one;D
cos alot of ppl dao me la T.T emo liao
wow maybe i can see it when boardcast at channel 5;DD
seriously damn sian.
slacked alot;D i deflated like 25 min;D
then if got ppl walked by then act act lo ;D
then an uncle was like jiayous, cos very hard to deflat o.o
hahahahah lol but he damn funny.
slacked until 7.30 i left.
the other two ppl doing well wishes still like so hardworking
then me left so early. hhaahahhaha;D

me should not be posting that often.
cos im watching shows recently;D
妻子的诱惑is nice;D even though boardcast at channel u.
but then my family wanna watch channel8 T.T
but then 100 plus episodes leh. gg to me;D
plan to chiong finish watching by this hol~ if can la;D

started on hwk~ yipee;D
left about half;D
left hist, shaonianwenzai, eng, shuihuzhuan
but then not planning to watch islands and read the giver;D
so still left half~ but then hist damn hard sia. weird qns lehT.T
jiayous to me;D cos i plan to finish hwk except shuihuzhuan and eng by this week;D
then nxt week play like siao.
left last week do re exam eng chi common test on the books? jiayous
cos last honeymoon liao lehT.T

end of post le ba;D hahahah
till the nxt time;DD

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someone you gotta know

became 16 on 18/4/10
4F'10 the F4
Spending time in Harmonica Orchestra
Ergao is love<33

Wish upon the stars
something you gotta know

good result for O's: A for overall, L1R5<9
hv fun during the china immersion trip(shanghai, suzhou, hangzhou)
my own com, or better, my own laptop
a new bag
learn piano
be a nice junior and senior
be a successful sl
get into triple sci and geog stream
survive through sec4
more ergao outing
a male hamster to mate with mine xD

something you gotta say

something you gotta say fast

some where you gotta leave to

6A'06 <33
gui hui
hui zhen
hsiao woon
jian you
jie pin
kiat hwee
li li
li xin
shi qi
shi yin
wee hong
wei xuan
wen hui
wen min
wen xin
xue yi
yan yan
yi zhen
zheng jun
zhi dan
zhi yuan
zi xing

some time you gotta forget

06/07 07/07 08/07 09/07 10/07 11/07 12/07 01/08 02/08 03/08 04/08 05/08 06/08 07/08 08/08 09/08 10/08 11/08 12/08 01/09 02/09 03/09 04/09 05/09 06/09 07/09 08/09 09/09 10/09 11/09 12/09 01/10 02/10 03/10 04/10 05/10 06/10 07/10 08/10 09/10 11/10 12/10 01/11

someone I gotta thanks

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