Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Hi, i am back!!! and as i said in the previous post, MYE IS OVER!!! So happy!!!! sad life is pathetic. why? let me tell you ba. before the exam, we everyday hv to think of wat to revise. and also must revise for MYE. after the exam, we everyday had nothing to do. Sian life.... oh why life hv to be so sad... got back only one paper today and that is the ever wonderfully CHINESE. the hardest test for all. and i am proud to tell my marks. but i think the whole world alr noe le. i got 61/90. ppl said is not a very good marks. but i think above 60 is considered good le. by calculation i get a B3. tmr getting back history and maybe maths? i want my history results cos i study the hardest for history. haha. all test i study very hard... after exam there is nothing to do in sch. some more my dear laopo, valerie, nvr come to sch. then very sian the first four period we all slack there. but although eng period we got debate, since i dun like debate and i really hate debate cos it will remind me of someone i hate. very sian, somemore two periods... oh yes, today also get lit marks back but we hv to calcualate our own... i got a B3. and only 1 more mark to A2. so angry!!! during sel we play zhong ji mi ma cum truth or dare. super fun. last round chenchen finally zhong. so we want him to show us his muscles and how strong his muscles are. so we play arm wrestling and all lost to chenchen. oh yes, the pic that we took ytd. as i promise here they are and must thanks to zixing who send me the pics 四大美女!!! 可别眨眼~ The pics taken at toy r us!! ![]() guihui with the moomoo cow haha~ ![]() zixing cat and my rabbit. this prove that rabbits are cuter than cats! ![]() a toy harmoc at there. so cute actually want to buy ![]() the ergao dustbin i saw.. here are all the pics. actually got more neoprints cos we take two. but zixing dun want to scan for me... evil zixing. who ask me dunno how to use a scanner.. yes one good news, cca finally resumed this fri!!! i miss cca alot and i realise it has been about one month since i touch my harmoc. ever since my birthday. yup cos last cca was on my birthday. after that i turn to study for MYE and i abandoned my harmoc. oh harmoc darling, 我来了. val dun be jealous haha shall end post here. i want to hv at least a B4 for all my subject and overall be 70 plus!! |