Saturday, February 23, 2008
sianed. got back alot of tests result this week. lets see. got back chi tests. i got 39/50. good rite. the dumb teacher go count my mark wrong. i only got 1 wrong but the teacher minus 2 marks wen its suppose to be 1 mark. i am soooo happy that i win hailong. i thought his chi super pro since he frm china. also got back sci. got 20/25. sooo happy. since my class de test is more harder than the other classes, or else i will get higher mark. stoopid me make 2 careless mistakes. and so careless ones. but i scared my maths test. teacher said she only mark the first qn and less than 5 got it correct. i am one of them cos i leave blank that qn. super hard. the first qn like so hard already. it worth 5 marks. maybe i will get working mark? last qn answer wrong. but i also dunno if i will get working mark hope so... that was all the good news i had. all the rest are bad news. i feel like i am very dumb like that these days. all got alot of evidences to that points. first, i couldnt do my maths hwk. i dunno wat to apply to solve the qn. especially using algebra and i am very weak in algebra. and ppl said that that qn is like very simple wen i think it hard. second, is about HO. ytd we were like prac new song: xi bao in front ok but come to the medium part where it consist of notes with only half the beat i cant get in. is like i waste one yr time. one yr in HO already. but this time i couldnt get into the half the beat the notes. is like i feel very shibai. if i dunno how to get in, how i am suppose to teach my jnrs. i try alot of time to get into the right note. but i just couldnt. i dunno why. for other songs at least i noe how to get in half de beat. but this song.... and then very funny lo... during dazu i can get in. but wen i solo, i couldnt. so weird. i shall just prac the other part. since all my family are music idiot like me! no one will clap the beat for me. on mon i shall prac with guihui. i must noe how to get in!!!! or else i am not fit to be a senior and the jnrs will look down on me.... well couldnt find anymore evidence.... 13/14 more days to shanghai suzhou and hangzhou. i dunno if i should look forward to it or wat. poor zixing cant go with us. zi xing i will miss you one!! but then 16,on the day we come back, HO hving a exchange programme. i dunno if i should take part. if my grp come back on the 15, i may go. must depend cos everyone come back must be very tired one. if my grp come back on 16... no choice i couldnt go. is like all the holiday had been ruined. and there is still holiday hwk. holiday only 1 or 2 days only. plus the nxt mon cos teacher said that we mon dun nid to go sch. with like only 2 days. how to chiong my hwk. i cant be doing in china rite. i dunno wat should i do. i am getting tired and stress. by the amount of hwk, tests and HO. i am going to go crazy!!!! and i shall find one day to play and do no hwk or revise tests to unwind myself!! just to do this b4 my china trip... cos at china we sleep at 10 and wake up at 6. i surely not able to wake up one lo.. so val, u are my room mate. wake me up okay. if cant, just pour water on me. val rmb ok!!! |